The Prego Pizza
Our Legendary Labor Inducing Pizza
Since the early 80’s, Skipolini’s Prego Pizza has been proud to assist many mothers in kicking off the labor process.
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In the spring of 1981, a woman desperate to give birth after a trying pregnancy, wandered into Skipolini’s Pizza in downtown Clayton. Jokingly, the woman demanded that the manager give her a pizza that would make her have the baby soon. Seeing her desperation, the manager concocted a pizza with just about every known topping in the restaurant.
The masterpiece had thirteen different toppings including extra onions and extra garlic. The pizza was loaded with fresh vegetables and six types of meat. The creation weighed over four pounds and could have cured the hunger of several small countries. The results were amazing. The woman left the restaurant after eating the “Prego” pizza and went into labor that same evening. So began the amazing history of the first ever, the original, “Prego” pizza.
After years of success, the “Prego” pizza has been growing in popularity. It has been recommended by doctors and OBGYN’s everywhere. The pizza gives hope to pregnant mothers who are just ready to put a happy ending to a long nine months. The “Prego” pizza has been recognized by newspaper, magazine, radio, and television programming alike. In the early years, radio personality Dr. Don Rose first helped publicize the pizza on the radio station KFRC. The successes of the “Prego” pizza have been documented in the Contra Costa Times, Pizza Today magazine, Diablo Magazine, Gourmet Magazine, and many other local publications. The popularity of the “Prego” has also been enhanced by short clips aired on KTVU channel 2, Evening Magazine, CNN, and KPIX channel 5 news.
Danielle’s Story
“I was 9 days past due and was close to having to be induced. I was desperate to do whatever I could to have my son naturally. Someone had told my husband about the Prego Pizza and so we went there for dinner with my parents. On any other day, I would not have touched a pizza with that much meat on it but that night, I ate 2 pieces and sure enough, at 4am the next morning, I was in labor!! I’m convinced!!”
Skipolini’s Babies
Delivered by Prego Pizza!
Stacey’s Prego Baby
Anniston Grace Klemme
Danielle’s Prego Baby
Dane Christopher
Ellise’s Prego Baby
Jalise Noel Robinson
Tamara’s Prego Baby
Kofoworola Naima Sabella Afolabi
Rachel’s Prego Baby
Jay Melo Wysinger
Lois’ Prego Baby
Kai Nicholas German
Was one week overdue and trying everything to naturally allow labor to occur to avoid an induction and a friend recommended something called a pregnancy pizza she had read about at a pizza parlor in Walnut Creek - I immediately googled it and was led directly to Skipolini's in Walnut Creek - my family and I made plans to eat there that evening - within hours (truly!) I started having contractions - to this day, although I tried various techniques (acupuncture, walking, yoga, etc.) my husband swears it was the pizza!! Today, May 27, 2010, I am 39 weeks and 4 days away from my due date and ready to go! Once again, my family and I have made plans to have Skipolini's Prego pizza for dinner tonight! ...we'll keep you posted!!
I was due with my first child on August 26th. Five years later, I remember it like it was yesterday. It was Friday August 20th (six days before my due date) late afternoon/early evening and a group of my friends were heading to Skip’s for some pizza. I decided to join them and my husband along with a few others suggested that I try the “Prego” pizza. Not in a rush to have my daughter...I thought, oh all right I’ll try it. I can list on one hand, oh ok…one hand plus one finger things that I don’t like. Onions, garlic, bell peppers, ground beef, salami and you guessed it linguica! Now you can imagine my thoughts and feelings going into just ordering this pizza...let alone eating it :( with the help of my cheer squad outside I was able to choke down one and a half piece’s. In my cheer squad (group of my friends) there was an ER doctor. She poked and pushed a bit only to tell me that she didn’t feel nor did I look like I was due anytime soon. Soon meaning 2-5 days. So, home I went. Just as I thought the Prego pizza was over...the saga continued. It kept revisiting me again and again...oh joy. All of a sudden, I’m not feeling well, so I lay down in bed. An hour and a half later I get up to use the restroom and BAM my water broke! And so the story goes…I went into the hospital at 1:15 am on Saturday August 21st and delivered my beautiful baby girl Payton at 1:52 that afternoon :)
My mom, in town hoping to see the birth of her grandson and were in Walnut Creek shopping in hopes of moving my pregnancy along when I decided we might as well stop by Skipolini's and try the "Prego Pizza" for lunch that I had read about on their menu. I had been to the restaurant a few times before with my husband and a local mom’s group, TVAM. Fortunately, the pizza had a lot of toppings I already liked, but I could only really eat a bit of it. By the next morning when I woke up early, I was frustrated. It had been 18 hours with not so much as a contraction. Then all the sudden my labor started in full force. An hour later we were at the hospital, and three more after that and our little guy was here. That pizza was the best value of any we’ve ever bought!
Lola Camille
I had a miserable pregnancy from the beginning, so when the doctors forced me to take off work 6 weeks before my due date I was ok with it at that point. I was due 6/5, so my girlfriends and I had planned a Prego pizza night on 5/25 to get things moving. Because I was off work so soon we went earlier.... much earlier, on May the 10th. I really didn’t think it would work and took it as a joke. Later that night I sent all my girlfriends an email saying, “this pizza didn't work, all it did was give me worse heartburn.” WELL, the joke was on me! At 4:20 am I woke up to my water breaking, and Lola Camille was born at 4:27 pm on May 11, before my body had a chance to completely digest the 5 slices of Prego pizza I had the night before! She was 4 weeks early, and had I took the legend to heart I definitely would have waited and let her cook a little longer!
My man Hans and I came in to try this Prego pizza everyone talks about. I am 19 days past due and want to burst.... Hans orders 2 Prego pizzas and we head back home to enjoy! We head off to bed to sleep and before you know it badda bing were in labor heading to hospital. Three long hours later our handsome little Harry came into the world. Who would have known pizza could do this @#^%. I say go for it!!!
I was due on September 12, with “Ziggy”, the baby’s nickname in utero because we did not find out the gender. On September 11, my husband and I attended a memorial service in Danville and decided to stop at our favorite Pizza Place (even BEFORE the Prego Pizza!), Skip’s in Walnut Creek. Around 6:30pm, we ordered our pizzas, and joked around with our server about what we should name our impending bundle. She suggested “Skip” ;) It was such a wonderful evening, being thankful for what we had and what we were expecting for our future. The patio in Walnut Creek was the perfect setting to what would be our last meal as a family of two. At 9:50 that night, whilst my husband played online poker, my water broke. I was holding my beautiful daughter in my arms just over 12 hours after I had ordered the Prego Pizza. Every year since, we have eaten dinner at Skip’s on September 11th, to remind us of how wonderful and special that day was!
Tahlyah Miller
My family and I were invited to dinner with our in-laws on July 26. Making it a joke, they ordered me a Prego Pizza since I was already 3 days overdue. We ate dinner around 7pm, around 11pm as I saw sleeping I started with contractions. I went to the hospital that next morning at 6am, delivering my beautiful baby girl at 4:45pm. Thanks for the “Prego Pizza.”
Madison Ahide Hernandez
One Day we came to the Great SKIPOLINI’S Pizzeria I was about a week past due, when my husband Sergio and his friends were like get the PREGO pizza and i was Thinking to myself, “This won’t help me go into labor” laughing out loud. So, we ended up ordering it, our waiter was the best with great customer service, making it fun for me. Anyways, long story short, hours into dawn little “MADDIE” began to kick, and I was going into labor.... :D
Nathan Matthew
I was so ready to have this baby and our OB told us about the Prego pizza. We decided to go there and have lunch. The pizza was really good too!!! I went into labor about 3 hours after having the pizza. My son was born 3 hours later. Today will be our 2nd visit for the Prego pizza. I am a few days past my due date with my 4th child and so ready to have her. My husband and I are planning on going to have pizza for lunch and a walk around the mall. Hopefully today we will get to meet our baby girl.
Ayva Bell Flores
We brought my daughter in for the Prego pizza 2 days before her due date. We were able to eat about half of our pizza and half of our pitcher of beer (me and my husband) and my daughter said we needed to go. She was in full blown labor by the time we got home from the pizza parlor and was dilated 7 1/2 inches by the time we got to the hospital. Thanks, Skipolini’s for an exciting night!!
After doing everything possible to have my 2nd daughter from walking, swimming, doing the deed, I started getting desperate. I heard about this pizza from my cousin, and I live in the Central Valley in Stockton & they lived in the Bay Area. Before coming to visit me, they went out of their way to pick me up a pizza. I had the pizza for dinner around 6-7pm, the pizza was delicious!! I went to bed shortly after and by 1am I started feeling the contractions, they were mild and about 10-15minutes apart. By 6 o’clock in the morning they were getting a little more intense but still about 10min apart. By 8am I lost my mucus plug and had the “bloody show.” I was in the hospital by 8:30am and had my daughter at 11:15am. I swear by this pizza & let all my Prego friends and family know about it. I do suggest they wait till they are at least a week before their scheduled due date.
After going to my doctor appointment on July 3rd, I decided to have the Pregnancy Pizza to see if it would put me in labor. My doctor told me I had dropped, and she would be surprised to see me pregnant next week. I thought it would be such a cute birthday on the 4th of July, fireworks every year! I got their right when the store opened around 11:00am ate 3 pieces of pizza, at 6pm my water broke. :) Worked for my mother-in-law 9 years ago and my good friend 6 years ago.
Kaleb Joshua
Concord, Ca - May 2nd came around and I was overdue by a few days, and I had gotten very uncomfortable. Couldn’t sleep or relax and it just kept getting harder and harder to get around. I had heard the rumors about the Prego Pizza but was skeptical. That day I had even looked it up online and read about it but was still thinking there was no way it would work. By late afternoon, we caved called up my in-laws and had them meet us for dinner at Skipolini’s in Concord. We ordered the Prego. To be honest the thought of eating the pizza wasn’t appetizing to me but I managed to eat 1 slice! At the time, I didn’t realize it, but I started having mild contractions at the dinner table, but I was clueless. Continued on to Peet’s Coffee for a delicious latte and chocolate dipped shortbread cookie (pure heaven) and was beginning to get very uncomfortable, but still I was clueless! My husband and I went home and turned on the movie Wanted, hung out on the couch, and I was even working on a baby cross stitch project. During that time, I did realize I was having contractions but wasn’t concerned. So, we went to bed. I laid down, didn’t feel too hot, so went and took a warm bath to relax. Went back to bed again, wasn’t even down for 5 minutes when the contractions hit me like a freight train one after the other! By 4am I was in the hospital. After 25+ hours of labor, my beautiful little boy was born.
Kieran (my first) was born in March; he’ll be 4 at the end of this month! I had heard about Skipolini’s Pizza and was very skeptical but decided to give it a try. The night before Kieran was due, my husband and I made a trip to Skipolini’s in Walnut Creek. I went to bed and about 2:30 in the morning, my water broke! 12 hours from start to finish and Kieran was born! Needless to say, I became a “believer,” especially being born on his due date!
Stefan Vargas
The last time I was here, 11 years ago, I came to have the Prego Pizza with my best friend Kristine. I wanted to have my second baby just a little early and she suggested we come here before going to a candle party in Walnut Creek. We were here around 7:00pm. I can’t remember how much I ate, but it was enough. By 1:00 am we were calling Kristine to take our 2 yr old while we went to John Muir to deliver our 2nd son, Stefan. I tell everyone about this story, especially those who are in the mood to deliver! This is the first time I have been back here since and Stefan is with us and now knows the story.
After being a day past my due date, my husband and I drove from Novato to Walnut Creek with my in-laws. We ordered 1 large Prego Pizza, had it delivered around 7:15 to the table and about 7:30 I started contractions, we finished up, and got back to Novato by 8:30, where when I stepped out of our car, my water broke, and our little boy was delivered 11 hours later. Three years later, we are ready for our 2nd one to be here any day and we now live in Southern California. My in-laws drove over on April Fool’s Day for us to order 1 large Prego again and are sending it on a flight with my sister-in-law first thing April 2nd... here is to an Easter baby! Stay tuned to see if it works! Thanks, Skipolini’s
After hearing about Skipolini’s Prego Pizza from numerous sources, and my doctor saying just 2 days prior I wasn’t even close to having this baby. She even talked about inducing if I went more than 7 days late. We decided to drive the 45 minutes to have the Prego Pizza on my due date. We had the delicious pizza for lunch (seriously would order it anyway!!), and less than 24 hours later was in labor! Our beautiful baby girl was born the very next day!! Thank you! I even told a friend about it, and she also went into labor the next day. No complaints about a yummy birth inducing pizza :)
Gabriella Marie
I had heard stories of the Prego Pizza. I was about 5 days from my due date, and I was done. I was ready to meet my baby. I had been asking my Mom to go with me to have the pizza but she was pretty insistent that we wait. Finally, she agreed to go. We went to Skip’s, and we ordered a large Prego Pizza and we started enjoying the yummy pizza and I was not a big veggie fan at the time but I ate every single bite of that pizza because I wanted it to work it’s “Mojo.” An hour after going home from eating the pizza my water broke. 27 hours later I had my baby girl.
I had heard from dozens of people that the Prego Pizza was the best way to kick-start labor, so at 39.5 weeks pregnant I decided to give it a try. The Prego Pizza was so tasty and my whole family enjoyed a fun night out at Skipolini’s. My husband got to watch the Stanley Cup Playoffs on the big screen and my two young sons were fascinated by the cook tossing the pizza dough high in the air. Best of all, I started to have contractions that very night! The next morning, I had one last slice of Prego Pizza to “seal the deal” and within 24 hours I had gone into labor and delivered my beautiful and healthy baby girl! Thank you Skipolini’s!
Audrianna Miranda Rodriguez
My wife was ready for are little one to come out already. So, I tell her to let’s take a trip down to Skip’s and eat their Prego Pizza. So, we did, and about four hours later as we sleep, I hear babe, my water just broke. That’s when I knew it was time to roll to Kaiser. Our baby was born 2 weeks early due to the Prego Pizza. For those who don’t believe in the Prego Pizza, I got two words for you. IT WORKS. LOL. If you want your baby to come out eat the famous Prego. Skip’s you’ve got the best pizza ever, keep up the good work.
Ciera Rose
I was ready to get the show on the road! The last 2 months of being pregnant are not the most comfortable. So, on the day I was due I did everything I had thought to do, last stop Skip’s. That night I started feeling mild contractions. The contractions got worse and worse... She was due on the first, after 3 hard days of contracting I had her on the 4th. Something about that pizza makes it happen! It might take a few days of pain, but it will make it happen!!!!!
Eli Cerruti-Riehm
My due date was on May 18th, so I still had a few days, but my baby Eli had found my sciatic nerve, so I was more than anxious to see him arrive. I knew of the legend of the Prego Pizza and so did my husband, so he volunteered to drive to the Concord location from our home in Vallejo on Saturday, May 15th. We ate at about 6:30 pm and went to bed at 10pm. I awoke feeling my first contractions at 11:30 pm, and at 4:15 am Eli had arrived! Thanks, Skipolini’s!
As a 41-year-old pregnant woman, I was due to give birth to my child on 07/10. When my due date arrived, I was NOT experiencing any signs of labor and my doctor was fairly certain that I would not give birth for, possibly, another week! As much as I was enjoying my pregnancy, I was very eager to finally meet this little person who was growing within me for the past 9 months. I had heard about the Prego Pizza at Skipolini’s, so my husband and I decided to give it a try. On the evening of my son’s due date, my husband and I went to Skipolini’s in Walnut Creek and ordered a large Prego Pizza. The staff was very friendly, and they told me that most of the pregnant women who ate the Prego Pizza would experience labor shortly afterward. Well, I ate about 3 pieces of pizza and my husband ate about 4-5 pieces. Afterward, we went home, and I retired for the evening around 11:30pm. At 1:30am, I woke up to unusual movements within my womb. I suspected I was in labor, so I called my doctor. It was confirmed that I was, indeed, in labor. I didn’t start hard labor until 7:30 that morning (07/11). My son was born on 07/12 at 4:13pm. Two years later, I gave birth to a daughter, Michaela. I was totally prepared to eat the Prego Pizza if my daughter missed her due date, but much to everyone’s surprise, she was born exactly on her due date without any help! Thanks, Skipolini’s!!!!
Teagan William
I was a couple days overdue, and more than ready to go into labor. A friend had suggested the Prego Pizza. After going online and reading all the success stories, I thought, why not? Later that day, my husband, daughter, and I made the drive from Livermore. We ordered the pizza, and I ate two large slices. Very tasty. We packed up and got ready to leave. Literally seconds after standing up from the table, I felt my water break. It wasn’t a lot at first, so I wasn’t sure. My husband said I had the strangest look on my face. I said, “Honey, I think my water just broke.” He was in as much shock as I was. I was still standing there by the table as he rushed my daughter outside to get the car. It was quite obvious by then that my water had broken. For some reason, I couldn’t move. Must have been the shock. Minutes later I slowly made my way to the front door. Needless to say, I got more than a few strange looks. I simply said, “Prego Pizza!” Standing outside, I couldn’t stop smiling. The pizza actually worked! Less than twelve hours later, I finally met my gorgeous little boy. I can’t wait to share this story with him when he gets older.
Olivia Peterson
Olivia’s birth is actually our second Prego Pizza success story. I did the exact same thing with our first child, Owen, and had him after almost the exact same amount of time after eating the Prego Pizza. Both kids were due 14 days from when I ate the pizza for dinner. I had it for dinner, breakfast and then lunch and went into labor that night. With Olivia, I was determined to get her out early because of painful sciatica and was walking continuously and added the pizza which made her arrive.
Joseph Flood
It was summertime and I was hot, huge, and miserable. We went into the Skipolini’s in Antioch and ordered the Prego Pizza just for fun. I went into labor that night and had my 1st son Joseph the next morning. He was 8 days early. I always wanted to go back and tell them, but we moved. Today I saw a Skipolini’s in Rocklin, went online to check it out and saw this site. I had to share.
Karter MacArthur Bell
I brought my daughter Meighan Owens into Skipolini’s on Sunday March 24th. We sat down and was greeted by the nicest waiter. We told him that we came all the way from San Mateo because my daughter heard the legend of the Prego Pizza. Even though my daughter’s delivery due date was March 31st because of other circumstances she was tried and ready. The waiter gave us some of the history and then went away with a huge smile. We only ordered a personal size just for her and a different pesto personal pizza for myself, but my daughter said the Prego Pizza was so delicious she insisted that I had to have one bite. It was very good that I wish I had ordered one for myself, so we decided to order a medium to go for her and her fiancé to have for dinner later. That evening my daughter had another slice and went to bed. At 4am in the morning she came to my room complaining about hard contractions. The rest is history my beautiful grandson Karter MacArthur Bell was on the way!!!! I am also thoroughly convinced in the legend of the PREGO PIZZA!!!!
I was 2 days overdue with my 2nd child and my husband suggested we pop into Skipolini’s on Friday night to try the Prego Pizza to see if it could jump start my labor. At that point, I was up for anything, so I figured we’d give it a shot! Being the picky eater that I am, I was hesitant to eat a pizza with as many toppings on it as the Prego Pizza has, most of which I’d never eaten before. Despite all of the unknown toppings, the pizza was delicious, and I quickly devoured 4 of the 6 pieces in front of me. We went home that night and waited. At midnight, I finally went to bed disappointed that the Prego Pizza didn’t work, but I woke up 4 hours later feeling some very heavy contractions! We were checked into the hospital by 10am and 26 hours after consuming the Prego Pizza, our beautiful daughter Nora was welcomed to the world! Thank you Skipolini’s!!
I was a day past my due date so it was time to see if Skip’s pizza could do the trick. We ate the pizza and even brought home leftovers. That night I felt something but wasn’t convinced it was the real deal. However the pizza was so good, I had some of the leftovers for breakfast the next morning. I immediately went into labor and Zaira joined us at 9:31 that evening. Skipolini’s works, there is no doubt about that!!!
Ashlee Kaitlin
I was almost 42 weeks pregnant and at this point do anything for my daughter to be born. While I was at my doctor’s appointment my doctor said, “I was still not ready to give birth and that she would schedule me for a c-section the next day.” I told her, “Isn’t there anything I can do because I don’t want a c-section?” My OBGYN said “well some of my patients have told me that they go to Skipolini’s and ordered the pregnancy pizza.” I had never heard of the pregnancy pizza before, but I would do anything for this to be over. So that night my husband took me to Skipolini’s pizza in Clayton and as soon as I walked in the door the girl behind the counter yelled to the pizza makers, “one large prego pizza.” I replied, “yeah and it better work!” Once the pizza arrived at our table, I thought WOW that looks great, and it tasted Great too. When we were leaving the girl said, “good luck!!!” Only 2 hours later at home I started into labor I couldn’t believe it worked. When I got to the hospital and was checked I was 4 cm dilated I couldn’t believe only 6 hours before the doctor said, “I was nowhere near giving birth!” I ended up giving birth 12 hours later... Thank you Skipolini’s for your pregnancy pizza I am a true BELIEVER!!!!!
Mayte de la Torre
My due date was on May 6, but I wanted my baby to be born on April 30 because that’s my brothers’ birthday. so, I asked my friends, “what can I do to induce labor?” and one told me to try the Prego Pizza, so I went April 29 at 7pm and had 2 slices of the Prego Pizza, we left around 9 and, on our way, I started having light contractions, got home when to sleep and woke up at 5am with stronger contractions. We left to the hospital and had a healthy girl at 8pm. Good luck ladies.